Program ALGORITM_FLOYDA; Uses CRT; Const n = 5; Var a, m: Array[1..n,1..n] of Integer; i, j, k: Integer; ch: Char; t1, t2: Integer;
Procedure Reqrs(x1, x2: Byte); {2, 1} Var l: Byte; Begin l := m[x1, x2]; If (l <> x2) then Write(' <- ',l) else Reqrs(x1, m[x1, l]); If (l <> x1) then Write(' <- ',x1); End;
Function min: Integer; Var summ: Integer; Begin If (a[i,k] = -1) or (a[k,j] = -1) then summ := -1 Else summ := a[i,k] + a[k,j]; If ((a[i,j] > summ) or (a[i,j] = -1)) and (summ <> -1) then m[i,j] := m[k,j]; If (summ = -1) then Begin min := a[i,j]; Exit; End Else Begin If (a[i,j] = -1) then Begin min := summ; Exit; End Else Begin If (a[i,j] < summ) then Begin min := a[i,j]; Exit; End Else Begin min := summ; Exit; End; End; End; End;
Procedure Print; Var ii, jj: Integer; Begin For ii := 1 to n do For jj := 1 to n do Begin GotoXY(jj*4, ii); Write(a[ii,jj]); GoToXY(jj*4 + 20,ii); Write(m[ii,jj]); End; End;
Begin ClrScr; {СОЗДАНИЕ МАССИВОВ} For i := 1 to n do Begin Write(i,'-ый ряд: '); For j := 1 to n do Begin Read(a[i,j]); m[i,j] := i; End; Writeln; End; For k := 1 to n do Begin ClrScr; For i := 1 to n do Begin For j := 1 to n do Begin If (i = j) then Continue; {Обход диагонали} a[i,j] := min; End; End; Print; Writeln(#13#10,'Шаг: ',k); ReadKey; End; Repeat Writeln('[RET] || [ESC]'); Case ReadKey of #13: Begin Write('Из какой точки: '); Readln(t1); Write('В какую точку : '); Readln(t2); Write(#13#10,'Стоимость: ',a[t1, t2],#13#10,t2); Reqrs(t1, t2); Write(#13#10#13#10); End; #27: Halt(0); End; Until False; End.
Категория: Графы | Добавил: Seqular (04.05.2008)
| Автор: Дмитрий